Company name
Date of registration
ROC Delhi
Authorized capital
Paidup capital
Company limited by guarantee
Non-government company
Type of company


00064623NIRAV VINOD GANDHI2014-10-18Director
01886871SURENDRA KUMAR JAISWAL2014-10-18Director
01896933PRANAV SINGH2014-10-18Director
01895162VENKADASUBBU MUTHUSAMY2018-10-30Director
02067299PARAMJIT SINGH GHAI2018-10-30Director
00239160VINOD GULATI2018-10-30Director
00714653NITIN SHIVJI KOTHARI2018-10-30Director
02986930PRADEEP KARIA SHETTY2018-10-30Director
03328032AMARVIR SINGH2017-09-23Director
00592259KUPPARAJU NAGARAJU2013-09-30Director
00560120SUDESH KUMAR PODDAR2014-10-18Director
01299186TEJINDER SINGH WALIA2015-09-30Director
02249145VENKATASATYA SOMARAJU DANDU2016-09-30Director
03328032AMARVIR SINGH2017-09-23Director/Designated Partner
02067299PARAMJIT SINGH GHAI2018-10-30Director/Designated Partner
00051164VIJAY DEWAN2015-09-30Director/Designated Partner
01896933PRANAV SINGH2014-10-18Director/Designated Partner
00592259KUPPARAJU NAGARAJU2023-02-24Director/Designated Partner
00482552GURBAXISHSINGH KULWANTSINGH KOHLI2016-09-30Director/Designated Partner
00071906LAKSHYARAJ SINGH MEWAR2017-09-23Director/Designated Partner
01895162VENKADASUBBU MUTHUSAMY2018-10-30Director/Designated Partner
00562773JAMSHED PESI SHAW .2023-09-28Director
00562892SANDEEP SEHGAL2023-09-28Director
02633313GIRISH ARORA2023-09-28Director
00235911CHETAN JASHWANT MEHTA2023-03-16Director
00561416MABBU REDDY BALAKRISHNA2023-03-16Director
00631388RATTAN DEEPSINGH ANAND2023-03-16Director
00809285PRANAY ANEJA2023-03-16Director
01600912ANKIT GUPTA2023-03-16Director
00774973ASHOKE SINGH2013-09-30Director/Designated Partner
02986930PRADEEP KARIA SHETTY2018-10-30Director/Designated Partner
00239160VINOD GULATI2018-10-30Director/Designated Partner
00560120SUDESH KUMAR PODDAR2014-10-18Director/Designated Partner
00064623NIRAV VINOD GANDHI2014-10-18Director/Designated Partner
01823105SUDHEER OMPRAKASH BAHL2009-10-24Director
00005870VIVEK KRISHNAN NAIR2012-09-28Managing Director
00005870VIVEK KRISHNAN NAIR2013-09-30Director
00005870VIVEK KRISHNAN NAIR1992-10-17Director
00195591SURESH MOTILAL TALERA2008-09-27Director
02741371SURESH KUMAR2010-09-30Director
02741371SURESH KUMAR2015-09-30Director
00592259KUPPARAJU NAGARAJU2013-09-30Director
00809285PRANAY ANEJA2023-03-16Director
00486775BHARAT HARKISHAN MALKANI2010-09-30Director
00486775BHARAT HARKISHAN MALKANI2015-09-30Managing Director
00235911CHETAN JASHWANT MEHTA2023-03-16Director
00562773JAMSHED PESI SHAW .2023-09-28Director
00088695JOSE DOMINIC2009-10-24Director
00051164VIJAY DEWAN2015-09-30Director
00937564DILIP KUMAR RAY2015-09-30Director
00004402SURESHCHAND PREMCHAND JAIN2006-11-11Director
00004402SURESHCHAND PREMCHAND JAIN2016-09-30Director
01548436ARUN SHARMA2012-09-28Director
01548436ARUN SHARMA2010-09-30Director

Index of Charges

90385557BHARAT OVERSEAS BANK06/28/2005

Content Section

Directors and Company contact Details on MCA Portal

Companies Master Data is Available on MCA portal which Includes the basic information about the company and their directors appointed. Where We can get Infomration like Directors identification Number (DIN Number) of Director, Joining date of Director, Ressignation Date of Director and Director's Full Name. Also You can Get the information about the director that In which comapny he is director and in which company / companies he has Resigned. and the Date of such event too can be known from MCA Portal.

The director plays a very vital role in the company to manage the affairs and are involved in day-to-day administration of the company, hence the role of the director in every company is very crucial and challengeable because the backbone of the company depends upon the directors of the company. They being the only decision Maker their connectivity is very crucial for Any person.

Methods for Getting Director Contact Details

  1. Access through MCA Portal
  2. Access through

Access of Director Contact Details through MCA Portal

  • There are multiple forms which needs to be filed by Director to comply with the regulations as per The Companies Act 2013. These forms are filled by the directors either on a specific intervals or on occurence of any specified events. While submitting these forms to the government portal i.e mca portal they needs to submit multiple infomration along with their contact details i.e. email address of directors and Mobile number of directors. They also submit the required supporting documents for the details provided therein. 
  • Form - DIR - 12 :  Form DIR-12 is required to be filed to ROC on MCA website for Appointment or Resignation or Change in Designation of Directors within 30 Days of such event.
    • In Case of Appointment : 
      • Letter of appointment in case of an appointment of a Director / Manager / Company Secretary / CEO / CFO.
      • Declaration of the appointee director, managing director, in Form DIR-2 in case of appointment of a Director / Manager / Company Secretary / CEO / CFO.
        • DIN / PAN  of the director,
        • Full Name,
        • Father’s Name,
        • Address,
        • Email,
        • Mobile Number,
        • Nationality,
        • No. of companies in which the director is involved,
        • Particulars of Membership in case of professionals.
      • Interest in other entities of director in case the number of entities entered is more than one.
      • Declaration by first director in Form INC-9 is to attach in case of a new company
  • Form DIR - 6 : E-Form DIR-6 is the form for providing the intimation of change in particulars of Director to the Central government within 30 days of the change in particulars
    • The changes may be there with respect to the following:
      • Name
      • Address (Permanent/ Correspondence address)
      • Date of Birth
      • E-Mail ID or phone number
      • Father’s Name
      • Nationality
      • Occupation Type
      • Educational Qualification
      • Changes in PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Passport, Aadhaar Card or other proof
      • Residential Status
      • Photograph of Director
      • Gender, etc
    • Any Changes in these Particulars shall need to be provided to the government in 30 days.

Access of Director Contact Details through

Its very quick and Easy to Search for the Director Contact Details on Finanvo, Lets See How?

  • Contact Details Based on Director Name or DIN no. 
    • Open a Page - Signup / Login 
    • Search for the Director from the search box 
    • Click on Buy Director Contact Button 
    • Complete the process and Hurray You are done and You can see the director contact details as below
      • Name
      • Address (Permanent/ Correspondence address)
      • Date of Birth
      • E-Mail ID or phone number
      • Father’s Name
      • Nationality
      • Occupation Type
      • Educational Qualification
      • Changes in PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Passport, Aadhaar Card or other proof
      • Residential Status
      • Gender 
  • Contact Details Based on Company name or CIN No. 
    • Open a Page - Signup / Login 
    • Search for the Company Name from the search box
    • Select the Director/s 
    • Click on Buy Director Contact Button 
    • Complete the process and Hurray You are done and You can Click on the DIN number  to see the each director's contact details as below
      • Name
      • Address (Permanent/ Correspondence address)
      • Date of Birth
      • E-Mail ID or phone number
      • Father’s Name
      • Nationality
      • Occupation Type
      • Educational Qualification
      • Changes in PAN Card, Voter ID Card, Passport, Aadhaar Card or other proof
      • Residential Status
      • Gender 

 Both The process leads to the contact details of the directors. 

About Directors of Comapny as on MCA Portal

As per Companies Act, 2013 defines the number of directors to be appointed by the board of the company. Directors of the company have their own roles and responsibilities in the company. Each director has its own significant role to manage the affairs of the company and day to day company management. The limit has been specified of the director’s appointment in the law. As per law there is a minimum requirement that every company whether One Person Company, Private Company, Public Company has to appoint directors in the company.


The responsibilities and duties of the directors in the company have been specified are as under:

  • Directors determine the company’s strategies, policies, objectives.
  • To monitor the growth of the company as per the policies defines in the company.
  • The Board of directors has the duty to appoint any senior management in the company.
  • To act in good faith.
  • Act in the best interest of the company, for the employees, members, and for the protection of environment.
  • Not to gain any undue profit for himself or the relatives, partners.
  • To check that the company run as per the article of the company and within the power of the company.


To protect their interest and evade undue liability, it is advisable that directors adopt a safeguard measures:

  1. Attend the meeting on regular basis.
  2. Act honestly for the company.
  3. For day to day compliances, have a knowledgeable secretarial team and establish boards for the company audit.
  4. Give professional advice, establish audit committees, and engage external agencies.


Following has been classified as the directors of the company:

Executive director: Executive director is the full-time director of the company and have the biggest roles and duties for their companies and the organization. Employees of the organization and the company expect from the executive director efficient and effective working and very careful in all the company’s dealing.

Non-Executive Directors: Non-Executive Directors are the non-working directors of the company and are not involved in the day to day salaried of the organization. Non-executive directors only have the position in the company of planning or policy-making process. Decision and solution for the best interest of the organization are in the hands of the executive directors.

Managing directors: Managing directors have the significant capability to make conclusions, achieve and direct other members and shareholders of the company. A Public Company or a subsidiary of a Public Company must appoint the managing director having the share capital more than 5 crores rupees.

Independent directors: Independent directors do not have any direct relation with the organization. Independent director only gives expert advice to the board of directors if and when required and the experience of the independent directors is the assets of the company. Public companies having the paid-up capital and the turnover of Rs. 100 crores or more and the outstanding loans 50 crores or more must appoint two independent directors.

Qualifications of independent director:

  1. Independent director should have knowledge, skill and experience;
  2. Independent director must be a person of honesty;
  3. Independent director should not be a shareholder of the company;
  4. Does not have any relation with the promoter or with the company.

Residential director: Should be resident of India, A director residing in India for at least 182 days is a residential director.

Small Shareholder Directors: In a listed company only the one can appoint as a single director. Notice has been issued to at least 1000 shareholders or 1/10th of the shareholders whichever is less, to approve the same.

Women directors: Only those companies whose shares listed on the stock exchange or the paid-up capital of 100 crore or more and the turnover 300 crore or more must appoint the women director.

Additional Directors: Additional director has been appointed till the next annual general meeting and take the position in the next annual general meeting.

Alternate director: Alternate director is appointed when the director not in a position or absent for more than 3 months. Alternate director act as a director for the particular period or for the temporary period.

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