Find Company Information - MCA Master Data API

Get the Company Master Data information of any Indian Registered company through web, CSV, Email API Interface. Also Retrieve the MCA Master data of any Company, LLP, Foreign Company, One Person Company registered with MCA.Gov.IN

Find Company Information - MCA Master Data API

MCA Indian Company Data base and APIs

Information made available through CompData : 

MCA Master Data of Company (Basic Data Information): A quick overview that includes CIN, Authorized Capital, Paid Up Capital, Sum of Charges, Registered and Business Address, Date of Incorporation, Most recent AGM date, Industry, Segment, Class of company, Type of Company, Directors of Company etc.

Directors Details: Provides information regarding current and past directors including their Name, designation, shareholding, PAN Number, Date of Birth, Education Qualification, Occupation, Contact Details, Email and Mobile Number, Family Name, PErmanent Address and their their engagement with other Companies and their respective position.

Charge Details: Gives you the details regarding secured charges created by Financial Institutions or Banks against assets of the company. This includes Date, Holder, Amount, Asset Secured, Rate of Interest, Asstes Mortgaged, Agreement of loan, and Details of the Charge Documents as well. Gives you the relevant details regarding the charges against any asset of the company. This information allows you to take a closer look at the provider of the facility, the terms of the facility and other relevant information that enables the Financial Institution to take a credit decision.

Structure: Gives you an insight into the ownership / Investment structure of the company in respect to their holdings from teh initial stages and the changinghands if any. Additionally, you can use this section to understand the director shareholding in the company along with Holding and Subsidiary details. This segment gives more information on by whom company is being managed and their stakeholders with their Interest Percentage.

Highlights: Will allow you to understand key financial metrics like Inflow and Outflow in Foreign Currency, Gross Related Party Transactions, Gross Fixed Assets, Trade Receivables exceeding 6 months, Proposed Dividend, etc. This segment helps you in getting the insights and bird eye view on the working of the company based on the last filed status. it provides you the calculation related to the Financial information.

Financial Data: Gives you the past three years Balance Sheet and P&L Account of the Base comapny as well as the Consolidated Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Account which includes the Financials of the subsidiary companies subject to their holding in the companies based on the details filed by the company. This will include access to the detailed filing that includes schedules, notes to accounts, Audit reports remarks by the auditors etc.

Public Documents: Gives you the list of documents filed by the company and you can download all the files and returns filed by the company in one go in ZIP file which contains 8 Folders. It inludes all the files from the inception of the company. These also acts as a Reference Documents, In addition to the data available in the detailed reports of the company. CompData will provide you access to the underlying document from where this information is sourced.

Company Master Data :

Format Delivered: CSV / JSON (API) / Web

  1. CIN Number of Company
  2. Date of Registration
  3. Name of Company
  4. ROC
  5. Status of Company
  6. CIRP Status
  7. Address of Company
  8. Last AGM Date
  9. Balance Sheet Filed Date
  10. Nature of Business
  11. Status of Filing of Company
  12. List of Related Companies
  13. PAN Number of Company
  14. GSTIN Number of Company
  15. IEC Code of Company
  16. Import / Export Products with Shipping details
  17. Pending Compliance Portal

Director Master Data :

Format Delivered: CSV / JSON (API) / Web

  1. Name of Director
  2. Date of Joining
  3. Date of Resignation
  4. Position
  5. Birth Date
  6. Place of Birth
  7. Occupation
  8. Education Qualification
  9. Email of Director
  10. Mobile Number of Director
  11. Permanent Address
  12. PAN Number of Director
  13. Other Past Companies
  14. GSTIN Firms
  15. IEC Code of Individuals
  16. Wil-ful Defaulters List
  17. DIR 3 KYC

Index of Charges : 

Format Delivered: CSV / JSON (API) / Web

  1. Name of Bank
  2. Date of Charge Registration
  3. Rate of Interest
  4. Property / Assets Mortgaged
  5. Amount of Loan
  6. Date of Modification of charges
  7. Date of Clearance of Charges

Related Parties : 

Format Delivered: CSV / JSON (API) / Web

  1. Related Director andCompany
  2. Common Directors in Companies
  3. Capitalisation of company
  4. Date of Registration of Company
  5. Nature of business of company
  6. Charges of Company
  7. Status of Company 

Based on Artifical Intelligence (AI), CompData tries to relate the data of company with the data from other sources like GST, IEC Records, Port Records, SEBI Information, Court Cases, CIBIL Records, Credit Rating Records, and many public open sources. We gather the data from all around possible and create a report which makes the Information useful to the viewer. This not only helps Customers but helps all the Banks, Financers, NBFC comapnies, Trading Companies, Related companies to track their workings, compliance portal for the company itself.

Facilities and Flexibility to search data based on the models :

  1. Details of Company with CIN No.
  2. Search CIN With Company Name.
  3. Directors of Companies
  4. All details based only on CIN no.
  5. Director Details based on DIN no.
  6. email / contact details based on DIR 3 KYC Data
  7. and much more can be done based on the data from MCA
  8. Search of public documents of company in quickest and easiest manner.

Services made available through CompData:

  1. MCA Paid Search for Files uploaded by Companies
  2. Daily Update of Database of Companies
  3. Email to the newly incorporated companies
  4. Query Based search of Companies
  5. Bulk Company Master Data (Latest Updated)
  6. Bulk DIR-3KYC Verification
  7. Financial Statements of Companies (All Years)
  8. Complete Details of Companies Investments, Investors ETC
  9. Competitors Analysis.
  10. Reading through the documents filed with MCA

Application and Use Cases:

  1. Improving Credit Efficiency:
  2. Improving Sales Efficiencies across verticals:
  3. Enabling the Financial Institutions to Monitor Portfolio Companies
  4. Procuring search reports to undertake post disbursal Credit Administration processes
  5. Improving the engagement levels with key customers of Urban Branches
  6. and much more. . .






